Helping to empower small labs

... and big ones if needed

Bonsai Deployment

1 Introduction

This document intends to give details about deploying BonsaiLIMS. BonsaiLIMS is a web application powered by Django( development environment. Django is a modern, easy-to-use web programming framework written in Python programming language.

Steps given below are tested on tmrc-django-dev server.

Note: For windows installation click here

2 Environment

  • Basic Installation
    • Centos 5
    • Apache 2.2
    • Python 2.4.3

  • Sources

  • Dependencies
    • Django 1.0.2
    • mod_python
    • Oracle Instant Client 11.1 Basic
    • cx_Oracle
    • python-ldap
    • setuptools
    • simplejson

3 Installation Steps

(!) Warning All commands require "sudo" in front.

  1. It is assumed that Centos5+Apache+Python are already installed.
  2. Download Django 1.0.2 on and follow the steps there.
  3. mod_python can be installed using repository.
  4. Execute BonsaiLIMS_DDL_Oracle11g.sql as the schema owner of the Oracle database where you are deploying the software.

yum install mod_python

You do not need to reconfigure Apache afterwards.

  1. Oracle Instance Client 11.1 Basic is available in RPM format on After downloading the RPM, you can install using yum again.

yum install oracle-instantclient11.1-basic- --nogpgcheck

This installation will install libraries under /usr/lib/oracle/11.1/client/lib. I experienced a problem while putting them in the sys.path. For the sake of simplicity(may not be elegant), all files are copied to /usr/lib.

  1. cx_Oracle is the bridge between Oracle and Python.

An RPM package is available on . That version is compiled using Python 2.4 for accessing Oracle 11g which is our case.

yum install cx_Oracle-5.0.1-11g-py24-1.i386.rpm

This will install all necessary libraries and sources.


   $ python
   >> import cx_Oracle

Try python shell to include cx_Oracle module. You should not get any error messages or warnings.

  1. python-ldap is a package again available inside standard yum repository.

yum install python-ldap
  1. setuptools can be installed from repo.

yum install python-setuptools
  1. simplejson can be installed from repo.

yum install python-simplejson 

4 Installing the Sources

  1. Unzip under "/opt". (i.e. directory will be /opt/bonsai)
  2. Unzip under your Apache server's root folder (e.g. /var/www/html/site_media)

5 Configuring Apache

Create the file below and place it under /etc/httpd/conf.d.


<Location "/">
        SetHandler python-program
        PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
        SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE bonsai.settings
        PythonOption django.root /bonsai
        PythonPath "['/opt', '/opt/bonsai'] + sys.path"
        PythonDebug On
<Location "/site_media">
        SetHandler None

6 Post Installation

Restart the Apache using "/sbin/service httpd restart".