Bonsai Deployment
1 Introduction
This document intends to give details about deploying BonsaiLIMS. BonsaiLIMS is a web application powered by Django( development environment. Django is a modern, easy-to-use web programming framework written in Python programming language.
Steps given below are tested on tmrc-django-dev server.
Note: For windows installation click here2 Environment
- Basic Installation
- Centos 5
- Apache 2.2
- Python 2.4.3
- Sources
- Dependencies
- Django 1.0.2
- mod_python
- Oracle Instant Client 11.1 Basic
- cx_Oracle
- python-ldap
- setuptools
- simplejson
3 Installation Steps
(!) Warning All commands require "sudo" in front.
- It is assumed that Centos5+Apache+Python are already installed.
- Download Django 1.0.2 on and follow the steps there.
- mod_python can be installed using repository.
- Execute BonsaiLIMS_DDL_Oracle11g.sql as the schema owner of the Oracle database where you are deploying the software.
yum install mod_python
You do not need to reconfigure Apache afterwards.
- Oracle Instance Client 11.1 Basic is available in RPM format on After downloading the RPM, you can install using yum again.
yum install oracle-instantclient11.1-basic- --nogpgcheck
This installation will install libraries under /usr/lib/oracle/11.1/client/lib. I experienced a problem while putting them in the sys.path. For the sake of simplicity(may not be elegant), all files are copied to /usr/lib.
- cx_Oracle is the bridge between Oracle and Python.
An RPM package is available on . That version is compiled using Python 2.4 for accessing Oracle 11g which is our case.
yum install cx_Oracle-5.0.1-11g-py24-1.i386.rpm
This will install all necessary libraries and sources.
$ python
>> import cx_Oracle
Try python shell to include cx_Oracle module. You should not get any error messages or warnings.
- python-ldap is a package again available inside standard yum repository.
yum install python-ldap
- setuptools can be installed from repo.
yum install python-setuptools
- simplejson can be installed from repo.
yum install python-simplejson
4 Installing the Sources
- Unzip under "/opt". (i.e. directory will be /opt/bonsai)
- Unzip under your Apache server's root folder (e.g. /var/www/html/site_media)
5 Configuring Apache
Create the file below and place it under /etc/httpd/conf.d.
<Location "/">
SetHandler python-program
PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE bonsai.settings
PythonOption django.root /bonsai
PythonPath "['/opt', '/opt/bonsai'] + sys.path"
PythonDebug On
<Location "/site_media">
SetHandler None
6 Post Installation
Restart the Apache using "/sbin/service httpd restart".